One thing we have in abundance here in the mountain west: Rusty old horseshoes

Top piece: cotton, bundled with plant material, steamed. Bottom 2 pieces: silk, bundled with horseshoes, dyed in juniper dye bath.

(detail view) Top, Cotton bundled w/plant materials and steamed, Bottom, Silk, bundled with horseshoes and dyed in juniper dye bath.
I can see at least two spirit figures in the silk piece on the right. How many do you see?
Ooo super cool! I love how they all came out!
I only see one spirit figure, kinda scary lol :0)
Thanks Lily! The spirit figure(s)…ya, i know what you mean, I’m not sure what to think of them yet myself 🙂
Love the rust–a favorite surface design treatment of Telluridians. (You should see Kathy’s rusty metal stash!) You got some great bleed through and the combo with the juniper is super. My question is… what do you do with them now? You know me–love the surface design but still working out the next step. Looks like you’ve been playing with some old linens. Garage sale find or Grandma’s antiques?
Michele, I can hardly imagine what Kathy’s rust collection may look like and hoping I get to see it when I’m there this summer. The old linens are thrift store finds, perfect for playing with eco-dyeing. What to do with them now – that is the really fun creative part, finding ways of using these to make ART. You’ve got me thinking about another workshop concept!
Love them all , you’re having fun playing with all these techniques, I especially responding ! to the horse shoe pattern looking like a vertebra column I have an anatomy vision `Love Jewels
Thanks Jules, it is really fun. Not surprised you like the horse shoe pattern that reminds you of anatomical things. Love to you and Roger!