Around here we have a saying: You do what you can, then you go to bed.
For the first part of this year, I’ve done what I can – 2 big shows in a 3 month span (including travel), entered the wholesale market and wrote my first orders, and kept up the full time day job. After returning from the ACC St. Paul show, my body said “that’s enough, time to go to bed”.
And it was a full smack down. I’m now 3 weeks back from being diagnosed with pneumonia and am finally feeling my energy returning. I’ve never been so ill. It’s scarey not being able to breathe.

“Orchid Grid #1 through #9” nine 8 x 8 inch textile paintings mounted to birch panels, ©2014 Ayn Hanna. Available at Gallery 360, Minneapolis, MN.
A Forced Rest = A break from my Monkey Mind
One of my strengths is tenacity and seeing my vision become reality. I don’t give up. I accomplish many things. But I’m not as good at recognizing and celebrating my accomplishments. Being sick allowed me some time to contemplate and acknowledge how much I’ve achieved and how the world seems a little smaller because of the network of new friends and business associates I’ve come to know through doing the work.
In my right mind, when relaxed and not stressed, I know things will continue to evolve and develop as I envision. All is good. On those days where I’m trying to juggle the day job and the art biz deadlines and/or trying to be creative (gasp!), I sometimes also have to battle to keep my Monkey Mind from taking over and sabotaging the day with all the fear, anxiety, and doubt.
Rest has renewed my energy and calmed my impatient Monkey Mind. Now to keep this perspective and patience with myself going forward….
Back on my Horse
I’m ready to get back in the studio and make some art! I have some upcoming exhibits in the next few months that I need to make new work for, and this weekend will be my first creative block of time in the studio since mid-April. I can hardly wait!
Happy Creative Weekend,