Upcoming Shows – Places to See My Work (and Me) in Person
This textile painting below, “LineScape #12 (Fields and Highways), along with “LineScape #23 (Mad Hatter) were both juried into the New Legacies Show at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins. The exhibit runs from July 9 – August 31, with opening reception on July 12th.
Maintaining an active exhibition schedule is important – I believe a work isn’t quite finished until it’s seen by the public. Hearing how viewers respond to my work gives me new perspective and while talking about my work/process, I sometimes have these “ah ha” moments of clarity too.
Putting ourselves “out there” as artists also builds credibility and there’s nothing like having upcoming show deadlines to help me get things done.
I keep a running list of my current and upcoming shows in my right-hand side bar (over there →) so you can always check my blog if you’re looking for places to see my work “live” in person.
SAVE the DATE! Fort Collins Studio Tour on June 22 & 23 and Pre-View Show June 14 – 29
Even before the New Legacies show opens in July, you have an opportunity to visit my studio to see my work during the Fort Collins Studio Tour in June.
Barbara and I will be participating in this annual tour for our 3rd year and the tour now boasts 43 locations and over 60 artists. Tour maps are free and available at multiple locations around town, or you can download a map here.
We’ll be open for visitors from 10am – 5pm both days and we’ll have lots to see at our studios. I’ll have several new textile paintings and a bunch of new Hanna-Dyed scarves and pillows and Barbara will have an assortment of new paintings, as well as some of her “pop-up” city cutout pieces. Please stop by, we’d love to share our new work with you and hear your feedback.

"City (cutouts)" (acrylic on birch plywood, dimensions vary) © Barbara Gilhooly reprinted with permission of the artist
There will also be a Studio Tour Pre-view Show at the Lincoln Center June 14-29, with a reception for the artists June 14, 5-7 pm. Drop by the reception to meet the participating artists and see a preview of artists’ work.
But wait, there’s More….
If you can’t make it to one of the above shows, there are at least 3 more opportunities to see my work at exhibits throughout CO during the rest of 2013. More details to follow soon on upcoming shows that are happening later in the year, and as always, you can find the most up-to-date calendar of my upcoming shows in the side bar of my blog.
This is beautiful piece, Ayn. And I especially like your linescape in the previous post–something about the yellow and black and the interesting lines and details–a knock-out.
best, nadia
Thanks for your kind feedback, Nadia.