Wishing you a very safe, merry, love-filled Holiday Season and best wishes for a wonderful New Year to come!
Holiday Show Photos
Our 2012 Hanna-Hooly Holiday Open House was a big fun party with a non-stop flow of visitors throughout the entire day. We estimate we saw around 200 people come through the studios that day and had a great time visiting with new and old friends alike – thank you all for stopping by!
Thanks to the help of good friends (BIG thank yous to CL, Christy, and Andrew!), our home and studios were festive and sparkling showcases, with holiday items galore.
My studio was transformed into a boutique, with 55 Hanna-Dyed scarves adorning the walls and 18 Hanna-Dyed pillows scattered about the tables. There were also a few textile paintings mixed in as well.
Other than the bare wood floor in the downstairs bathroom, there weren’t any noticeable signs of our narrowly-averted night-before-the opening plumbing disaster (thanks again to CL, Andrew, and Matt!). And that reminds me….one of our “must get” home maintenance items on the list for the after holiday sales this year – a wet/dry vac.
Let’s just say that standing in ankle deep water in one’s studio with water raining out of the ceiling at 1 am on the night before your big open house party is NOT an ideal time to discover that your shop vac is a dry-only one.
Continuous Improvement
After each open house event, we do a debrief, to evaluate what went well and how we can make it a better event next time. Just as we had hoped, this event keeps getting bigger and better each year – as our involvement in the arts community expands, so does our circle of friends.
We’re improving our event organizing skills, from planning and set-up to managing the actual party.
One of the things that helped make our event better this year was that it was a big team effort, with help and support from many friends and family both in event prep/set-up and event management throughout the day. It really does take a village to pull off a big event like this – Our many thanks to all of you for all of your help!
Onward Ho!
I must admit, it’s taken me a few weeks to recover my energy – as an introvert, the holidays and parties really wear me out!
But this week, I’ve started pulling my piles of works-in-progress back out of the closets and racks they were hidden in during the studio clean-up. With an eye to a couple of upcoming shows, I need to get busy making some more textile paintings in my LineScape series.
And, as 2012 is winding down, its also time for some year-end review and goal setting for the coming year. I already know that I’ve accomplished a lot this year in some areas that I was focused on, and completely missed the ball in others. The review will be good to re-set my course for 2013.
Still, our rolling stone keeps rolling along, with one more big ART Gala event yet to come this week before I can set my sights on goals for the new year. It will be a festive white winter wonderland in Telluride, a perfect setting for an art show and new year’s eve gala, featuring the artwork and an artist talk by my partner, Barbara Gilhooly.
Happy warm and safe Holidays to You and your Family!
Looks a smashing presentation–and well done on the whole and the sales!
Thanks Arlee, I was even kind of amazed at how much the studio looked like a “shop” and fun to watch everyone picking out their favorite items. It really was a big fun day, and I’ve been recovering ever since.
Happy Holidays to you!