the exterminator told us. “They can make themselves small to squeeze through the tiniest of holes in the floor and then “poof” back up like umbrellas.”

"NYC Journal", Artist Book, 9"x6", original woodcuts and linocuts on rice paper, text printed on rives heavyweight, hand bound with linen cover)
We’d been having a problem with RATs in the basement of the building – coming in through holes in the floor- and then Al saw one in her apartment on the first floor. Now we’re all running around trying to fill in every little hole that is a potential RAT entrance.
Above is an excerpt from my artist book “NYC Journal”, one of the artworks I’ll be talking about tonight during my Artist talk at the FRCQ meeting at the Westminster Recreation Center, 10455 Sheridan Blvd, Westminster, Colorado.
I’ll be speaking about my background as a printmaker/sculptor and my journey to becoming a textile artist. I will share my creative process, and provide examples of my exploration of translating the principles and process-intensive techniques I’ve used in creating my prints to realizing my new works in fiber. And I’ll have many of my current works on display.
Please join me if you’re in the area!