In an earlier post, I said I view my results from the ACC Baltimore show as a success even though my sales didn’t cover my costs of doing the show.
My studio, cleaned up and ready for a gallery visit.
My goals for exhibiting at ACC Baltimore (and St. Paul) include not only […]
This Saturday, December 7th from 12-7pm, all snowy roads lead to our Hanna-Gilhooly Holiday Open House….
Our home is our gallery and studio spaces combined. We’re bustling about getting our works arranged just so….
I’ll have several new textile paintings & Hanna-Dyed pillows and scarves….
December 5th, 2013 | Tags: funky folk art furniture, hanna-dyed pillows and scarves, Hanna-Gilhooly Holiday Open House, textile paintings, the studio | Category: Exhibitions, Hanna-dyed, LineScape series, pillows, scarves, The Studio | - (Comments are closed)
Influenced by Jude Hill’s Contemporary Boro teachings, I’ve been working to incorporate some fabric weaving into my work. Here’s my latest piece in the LineScape series, almost complete:
LineScape #15 in progress, layered cotton fabrics, stitching (12"x12") ©Ayn Hanna
I’ve combined some of my own hand-dyed fabrics with some old soft used stripey […]