LineScape #12 (Fields and Highways) ©2011 Ayn Hanna, 31.5"x40", Textile Painting (cotton fabrics hand-dyed and silk screened by the artist, cotton stitching)
M.A.P.S. * M.A.P.S * M.A.P.S
Remember those treasure maps from teen adventure stories, oftentimes one of the few visual pages in a paperback full of text? And board games too, the […]
Thanks to my brother Paul, here is a video virtual tour of my studio as it was set up for the Fort Collins Studio Tour in June:
In the part of the studio where my long arm quilting machine lives, I hung several newly completed textile paintings, including several small kitschy cowgirl pieces on […]
"Finding a Way" ©2011 Ayn Hanna, 28"x12", Textile Painting (discharged cotton fabric, cotton batting, cotton thread)
Wow, it’s been awhile….and so much going on.
In the last few weeks, I have:
Finished 2 pieces for upcoming shows (including the one above for the SDA members show at the annual conference in MN this […]
It’s the wintry blah time and right on schedule, we’ve had some of the coldest – just want to make you curl up in your jammies all day under a blanket by a fire, eating soup and watching movies – weather of the season. I haven’t actually done any of that curling up stuff, I […]
Long arm quilting machine with a new quilt top loaded for demo of machine.
Thanks to all our friends, supporters, and colleagues, our Studio Open House event was a big success! While we had a constant flow of visitors all afternoon and evening and enjoyed visiting with friends old and new, we didn’t […]
Viewers enjoying the artwork, including my 2 Tangled Web textile paintings, at the opening reception of "Simply irRESISTible" at Some Things Looming Gallery in Reading, PA.
The Simply irRESISTible show opened on Sept. 12 with a reception that evening. Thanks to Gallery Managing Director, Rebekah Ritter, who posted some great photos, those of […]
"Wall Drawing #2" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 36"x43", Textile Painting (5 layers cotton fabric hand-dyed by the artist, cotton thread)
I rarely give up. Sometimes it gets me in trouble. Other times, it gets me great results. I’m still learning about boundaries and deciphering which situations I need to keep pushing through, which ones […]
Tangled Web #1 (c) 2010 Ayn Hanna (24"x24") Textile Painting (cotton canvas, cotton fabric hand-dyed by the artist, paint, paint sticks, cotton and wool threads)
Simply irRESISTible
Today I received notice that my “Tangled Web #1” and “Tangled Web #4” textile paintings have both been juried into the Simply irRESISTible textile show in […]