"Wall Drawing#3" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 18" x 17.5", Textile Painting (cotton & velvet fabrics, fabric paint, cotton embroidery threads)
I started this latest piece from the Wall Drawing series during a Leslie Gabrielse workshop in September. I first posted some thoughts from this workshop experience here.
While the subject matter and imagery are […]
"Keep Your Mach Up, Always Check Your Six" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 41"x42", Textile Painting (Cotton Fabric, Fabric Paint & Ink, Cotton Thread, Cotton Batting)
It feels like graduation, and like working in a factory. After several weeks of emails, web research, sketching, designing, dye-painting, carving, stamping, stenciling and stitching, the Navy […]
First of 2 quilts in progress for the Navy Quilting Challenge, loaded on the long arm and ready for quilting.
This past week has been a blur – day job, pilates, working on the 2 navy quilts, and an art show opening, Drawing in the Expanded Field, on Wed night.
Drawing […]
High Peaks Camp, Estes Park, CO
During this past weekend, I got to attend an Art workshop at the High Peaks Camp in Estes Park. 15 other textile artists and I spent 3 days learning from Leslie Gabrielse, a fabulous fiber artist from The Netherlands.
I have admired Leslie’s work from the first […]
Simply irRESISTible show opens today at Some Things Looming Gallery in Reading, PA.
My Tangled Webs #1 and #4 are included in this show. If you’re in the Philadelphia, PA area, please check it out. There is an opening reception 4-6pm today and the show will be up through Nov14.
Click on the link above […]
Nose of an F-8U Crusader plane, dye painted on fabric
Since “Captain Bill” (the subject of my textile painting entry for the Navy Quilt Show) was a Naval Aviator and Test Pilot, he flew all manner of aircraft. I have a list of at least 13 different planes he’s flown, and that’s only […]
"Mixed Salad" (c) 2007 Ayn Hanna, 11.5"x11.5" Textile painting (cotton fabric, cotton batting, cotton threads)
September. Fall. One of my favorite times of the year.
The smell of hatch’s green chilis roasting at the farmers’ markets, crisp morning air, Baseball playoffs just around the corner, FOOTBALL season starting, and lots of ART going […]
"Dream #1 – Alchemy" (c)2010 Ayn Hanna, 18"x24", Textile Painting (cotton fabric, cotton thread, cotton batting)
I completed this textile painting back in Jan this year. It is for an invitational quilt challenge sponsored by Machine Quilting Unlimited Magazine which I participated in along with 11 other artists. I had to wait to […]
Street Fair in downtown Golden, CO
One of the perks of having my brother Paul, a professional photographer, in town for the opening of the Evolutions show at RMQM in Golden, CO last friday night is that I get some fun photographs to post to my blog.
Yep, that’s me in front of […]
I’m pissed. My fierce-ness is flying freely right now and it’s a good time for everyone to give me a wide, wide birth. I’m responsible for my own happiness, and yep, my own anger too. Truth is, I’m actually really deep down very, very sad, and mad at myself for creating this situation I’m in.