Viewers enjoying the artwork, including my 2 Tangled Web textile paintings, at the opening reception of "Simply irRESISTible" at Some Things Looming Gallery in Reading, PA.
The Simply irRESISTible show opened on Sept. 12 with a reception that evening. Thanks to Gallery Managing Director, Rebekah Ritter, who posted some great photos, those of […]
"Mixed Salad" (c) 2007 Ayn Hanna, 11.5"x11.5" Textile painting (cotton fabric, cotton batting, cotton threads)
September. Fall. One of my favorite times of the year.
The smell of hatch’s green chilis roasting at the farmers’ markets, crisp morning air, Baseball playoffs just around the corner, FOOTBALL season starting, and lots of ART going […]
Tangled Web #1 (c) 2010 Ayn Hanna (24"x24") Textile Painting (cotton canvas, cotton fabric hand-dyed by the artist, paint, paint sticks, cotton and wool threads)
Simply irRESISTible
Today I received notice that my “Tangled Web #1” and “Tangled Web #4” textile paintings have both been juried into the Simply irRESISTible textile show in […]