"Keep Your Mach Up, Always Check Your Six" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 41"x42", Textile Painting (Cotton Fabric, Fabric Paint & Ink, Cotton Thread, Cotton Batting)
Openings and Closings
“You are a Navy Quilt Challenge Winner!”
What a nice message to find in my email inbox on this Veterans’ Day. “Keep Your Mach Up, Always […]
"Keep Your Mach Up, Always Check Your Six" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 41"x42", Textile Painting (Cotton Fabric, Fabric Paint & Ink, Cotton Thread, Cotton Batting)
It feels like graduation, and like working in a factory. After several weeks of emails, web research, sketching, designing, dye-painting, carving, stamping, stenciling and stitching, the Navy […]
First of 2 quilts in progress for the Navy Quilting Challenge, loaded on the long arm and ready for quilting.
This past week has been a blur – day job, pilates, working on the 2 navy quilts, and an art show opening, Drawing in the Expanded Field, on Wed night.
Drawing […]