First of 2 quilts in progress for the Navy Quilting Challenge, loaded on the long arm and ready for quilting.
This past week has been a blur – day job, pilates, working on the 2 navy quilts, and an art show opening, Drawing in the Expanded Field, on Wed night.
Drawing […]
"Wall Drawing #2" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 36"x43", Textile Painting (5 layers cotton fabric hand-dyed by the artist, cotton thread)
I rarely give up. Sometimes it gets me in trouble. Other times, it gets me great results. I’m still learning about boundaries and deciphering which situations I need to keep pushing through, which ones […]
Nose of an F-8U Crusader plane, dye painted on fabric
Since “Captain Bill” (the subject of my textile painting entry for the Navy Quilt Show) was a Naval Aviator and Test Pilot, he flew all manner of aircraft. I have a list of at least 13 different planes he’s flown, and that’s only […]