the exterminator told us. “They can make themselves small to squeeze through the tiniest of holes in the floor and then “poof” back up like umbrellas.”
"NYC Journal", Artist Book, 9"x6", original woodcuts and linocuts on rice paper, text printed on rives heavyweight, hand bound with linen cover)
We’d been having a problem […]
Work in Progress this week:
Work in progress state 4 ©Ayn Hanna
It’s evolving. Here’s the previous photo I posted of this piece a couple weeks ago:
Work in progress state 3 ©Ayn Hanna
And I’m continuing on my first attempts at cloth weaving. Here’s the first of the woven blocks […]
work in progress ©Ayn Hanna (MX reactive dye breakdown printing on cotton fabric)
(I have ~14 works in progress in the studio right now and I’ll share some of them in upcoming posts. The one above was made using a breakdown dye printing process, demonstrated in this video by Committed to Cloth.)
Change […]
Here’s the piece I’ve got on my design wall right now.
Untitled (in progress) ©Ayn Hanna
It began as a piece of cloth that I had screenprinted a pattern on. I left this cloth on my studio wall for months, living with it and contemplating what it wanted to become. Eventually, an image […]
Our little black bear.
The image of this sweet confused young bear’s face is burned into my mind. A week ago, we raised the deck door window shade, and much to our surprise and delight, there she was – sitting sideways under the pine tree, looking back at us with as much surprise […]
Thanks to my brother Paul, here is a video virtual tour of my studio as it was set up for the Fort Collins Studio Tour in June:
In the part of the studio where my long arm quilting machine lives, I hung several newly completed textile paintings, including several small kitschy cowgirl pieces on […]
I made this drawing one morning when I was staying in a downtown Denver high rise hotel. Upon opening the curtains, I was so taken by the abstract images I saw in the reflections of the windows in the building across the street, I sat down and started recording them on a small piece of […]
"Along The Way" (detail) ©Ayn Hanna 45"x18", Textile painting (discharged whole cloth cotton, cotton batting, cotton thread)
It’s been over a month since my last post, a rather long unplanned blog break. Huge changes taking place, and I’ve been thinking a lot – about cycles and circles and changes, completion and initiation, deadlines […]
Long arm quilting machine with a new quilt top loaded for demo of machine.
Thanks to all our friends, supporters, and colleagues, our Studio Open House event was a big success! While we had a constant flow of visitors all afternoon and evening and enjoyed visiting with friends old and new, we didn’t […]
In my last post, I talked about the cool handmade card collage I received in the mail last week from artist Annie Vought. Annie is doing a project to check and see if our regular old US postal system still works, given that we all seem to communicate only via computers and phones these days. […]