"Tangled Web #10" © Ayn Hanna, 17"x12", Textile Painting (cotton fabric hand-dyed and discharged by the artist, cotton batting, cotton threads) mounted to canvas
Happy New Year!
My mind is spinning, awash in all the things that this time of year usually brings about:
Reflection, acknowledgement, and appreciation of all that I experienced, […]
"Keep Your Mach Up, Always Check Your Six" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 41"x42", Textile Painting (Cotton Fabric, Fabric Paint & Ink, Cotton Thread, Cotton Batting)
Openings and Closings
“You are a Navy Quilt Challenge Winner!”
What a nice message to find in my email inbox on this Veterans’ Day. “Keep Your Mach Up, Always […]
Nose of an F-8U Crusader plane, dye painted on fabric
Since “Captain Bill” (the subject of my textile painting entry for the Navy Quilt Show) was a Naval Aviator and Test Pilot, he flew all manner of aircraft. I have a list of at least 13 different planes he’s flown, and that’s only […]
Street Fair in downtown Golden, CO
One of the perks of having my brother Paul, a professional photographer, in town for the opening of the Evolutions show at RMQM in Golden, CO last friday night is that I get some fun photographs to post to my blog.
Yep, that’s me in front of […]