Williamsburg Bridge (c) 1993 Ayn Hanna (15 3/4" x 11 3/4") Soft Ground Etching
The image above is one of 8 of my prints (etchings, a woodcut, and a collograph print) that are included in the Proof No. 1 Preview Show at Art Lab Fort Collins, on view now through end of the […]
Finding the Feeling Place
Tangled Web #1 (in progress) (c) 2010 Ayn Hanna (24" x 24") Textile Painting (cotton canvas, hand-dyed cotton, fabric paint, paint sticks)
Time is flying by and it’s been awhile since my last post. I have been busy with multiple tasks – the day job, […]
Wall Drawing (c) 2010 Ayn Hanna (36" x 44") Textile Painting (cotton fabric, cotton thread)
Finally finished this textile painting and am happy with the results. It’s been a great learning process – figuring my way through merging the processes that I’ve used in my woodcut printmaking with the way that I’m working […]
It’s been a very busy week between the day job, triathlon training, and competing in my first triathlon event of this season. It’s good to have done the local event – Pelican Fest Triathlon although it took me a couple days to recover.
I am a bit of a sports freak […]
Dyed fabric, rinsed and ready for more washing.
This past weekend we finally had our first 80 degree day so I decided to take advantage of the warm weather and dye some fabric. Mostly I just needed a non-verbal day to relax and be by myself, with no pressure of deadlines or deliverables […]