Sweet Pea ©2006 Ayn Hanna, 60"x45", (cotton fabrics, cotton batting, cotton threads)
My first completed art work of 2012 happens to also be my second ever bed quilt (queen size). My first one was “Sweet Pea” (pictured above), a baby quilt for my friend Ginny’s boy, Ford. I finished stitching the […]
Thanks to my brother Paul, here is a video virtual tour of my studio as it was set up for the Fort Collins Studio Tour in June:
In the part of the studio where my long arm quilting machine lives, I hung several newly completed textile paintings, including several small kitschy cowgirl pieces on […]
Eco dyeing with natural plant materials!
Eco Dyeing supplies: plant material, string, cotton and silk fabric, metal pieces.
My friend Diedre Adams attended an India Flint workshop at this year’s SDA conference in Minneapolis, and shared her experience in 2 great blog posts. Who knew you could make cool art cloth by picking […]
My Creative Process
I’m having one of those “in the flow” moments…… where words to describe my working process – at least the way it worked in creating my “Another Way” piece – seem ready to spill out.
"Another Way" ©2011, Ayn Hanna, 28"x12", Textile Painting
Allowing myself to become, following an intuitive […]
"Keep Your Mach Up, Always Check Your Six" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 41"x42", Textile Painting (Cotton Fabric, Fabric Paint & Ink, Cotton Thread, Cotton Batting)
Openings and Closings
“You are a Navy Quilt Challenge Winner!”
What a nice message to find in my email inbox on this Veterans’ Day. “Keep Your Mach Up, Always […]
"Wall Drawing#3" ©2010 Ayn Hanna, 18" x 17.5", Textile Painting (cotton & velvet fabrics, fabric paint, cotton embroidery threads)
I started this latest piece from the Wall Drawing series during a Leslie Gabrielse workshop in September. I first posted some thoughts from this workshop experience here.
While the subject matter and imagery are […]
High Peaks Camp, Estes Park, CO
During this past weekend, I got to attend an Art workshop at the High Peaks Camp in Estes Park. 15 other textile artists and I spent 3 days learning from Leslie Gabrielse, a fabulous fiber artist from The Netherlands.
I have admired Leslie’s work from the first […]
Tunnel ©1990 Ayn Hanna, 9"x7", linocut
Some of my etchings and woodcuts will be on view at “Proof No. 1: The Art Lab Printmaking Experience BIG SHOW” at ART Lab in downtown Fort Collins, opening this Friday, Sept 17. The show of local contemporary printmakers’ work will be open Sept 17/18 and 24/25 […]
Simply irRESISTible show opens today at Some Things Looming Gallery in Reading, PA.
My Tangled Webs #1 and #4 are included in this show. If you’re in the Philadelphia, PA area, please check it out. There is an opening reception 4-6pm today and the show will be up through Nov14.
Click on the link above […]
Nose of an F-8U Crusader plane, dye painted on fabric
Since “Captain Bill” (the subject of my textile painting entry for the Navy Quilt Show) was a Naval Aviator and Test Pilot, he flew all manner of aircraft. I have a list of at least 13 different planes he’s flown, and that’s only […]