My 2012 Goals

"LineScape #1" ©Ayn Hanna, 19"x20.5", Textile Painting

This is the first time I’ve published my list of Goals for the year.

I’ve established goals in previous years, often carrying them around in my head rather than writing them down.  Although I feel like I’ve accomplished many of the goals I’ve set (or at least made forward progress), not writing the goals down makes it a bit difficult to keep focus and organize a plan as well as assess progress at the end of the year, and make necessary course corrections.

So, this year I’m writing down my goals and then making more detailed action plans to achieve them.

My 2012 Goals


Studio Time: 960 hours (~20 hrs/wk)

Draw every day



Enter 7 or more juried shows

Host 2 open studio events

Set up my etsy site and post work for sale

Start a newsletter, set up on mailchimp, and send out at least 4 (1/qtr). Add 20+ new subscribers

Write 96 (~2/wk) or more blog posts.  Add 25+ new subscribers

Experiment with adding presentation/videos on my blog

Create landing pages and update bio on social media sites

Update social media (facebook, twitter, google+) 4 times/week

Implement Social Media plan I developed in Social Media Immersion workshop in 2011

Photograph and process images for artwork when completed and add to art inventory database and website

Update contact list monthly

Update resume mid/end year

Update artist statement mid/end year

Complete bookkeeping quarterly

Contribute graphic facilitation work to help Beet Street’s AIR curriculum advisory committee define target audience and course offerings

Conduct outreach to arts organizations in NM to gather input and feedback on AIR curriculum development

Set up our crit squad and meet 4x or more

Develop strategy and plan for product offerings



Teach at least 1 in person workshop

Give at least 1 in person lecture

Develop course outline and syllabus for 2 or more new workshops

Continue development of my fabric surface design, dyeing & printing techniques (reading books, DVDs, studio practice, workshops)

Continue development of my art business skills through 1 or more artbizcoach online courses

Attend pilot courses of the AIR curriculum launch

Bonus: Develop 1 online workshop



1x/wk date nights

See at least 12 movies, concerts, theater events

Get my office re-set up in the loft and clean out the clutter

De-clutter my closet

Replace skylights

Complete build out of workshop in garage and set up band saw

Get my taxes to accountant before end of Feb

Get my will done!

Go on a real vacation

Get our grad group together for a visit

Visit galleries and museums at least 1x/month



Daily meditation, breathing practice, and gratitudes

Pilates 2x/wk

Cardio workout 3x/wk (yoga may be substituted occasionally)

8 hrs sleep/night

Complete 3 or more organized events (cycling, 5k, or triathlon)

Track progress of diet and exercise plan at

Get at least 12 massages

My Approach

My plan is to begin focusing on a few top goals from each section, creating action plans and tracking progress monthly.  Some things are already in progress or already planned, others not yet begun.  Some are behavior changes and routines I need to establish, while others are individual projects with beginnings and endings.

I can’t really absorb the whole list all at once – it’s a little daunting.  But that’s a good thing, because getting to that place I want to be requires change, action, and challenge, and small steps in the right direction.

I’m starting where I’m at and taking action, doing the little tasks that will move me in the direction of where I want to be.

What big goals have you set for 2012 and how will you achieve them?  If you’ve published your goals, please leave a link in the comments section as I would love to read them.


4 comments to My 2012 Goals

  • Hi Ayn! Way to go for writing out your 2012 goals. Writing down does help. i did mine recently using a mind mapping software. For some reason I am getting addicted to using mind maps because they give me on over view and it is easy to edit.

    Keep on truckin’ and keep in touch!

    • Ayn

      Thanks Carol! Did you post your goals, I’d love to see them? I know what you mean about the mindmapping sw, I love using it too – it’s much more visual, like electronic graphic recording. Hope your painting is going well and yes, lets stay in touch!

  • Wow, Ayn, what a great and ambitious list! Love the way you included personal and cultural commitments. You’d be surprised how similar our lists are….best, Lynne

    • Ayn

      Hi Lynne, thank you. Yes, I tried to incorporate all the important aspects when thinking of my goals. I’m interested to so your list too, sounds like we have lots in common!